Test Taking Strategies

Test Taking Strategies








Splashdown Method




  • Under no circumstances should you look at the test paper.  Do not even glance at it when the teacher hands it to you.  Immediately turn the test face down on your desk.


  • On the back of the paper or on scratch paper (if allowed), “splash down”.  Write as fast and as furiously as you can all of the terms, phrases, initials, abbreviations, and memory joggers you can think of (for math; formulas, procedures, work a quick problem).  Splash down only takes one or two minutes but you have information on the back of your test paper or scratch paper you can use as needed.


  •  Turn the paper over, read the instructions carefully, then write your name on the paper.


  •  Read each question and answer it to the best of your knowledge.  Use the splash down information to help you recall material.


  •  The splashdown gives you a source of information and helps relieve tension.







Helpful test taking hints:




  •  Skim the test before beginning to answer the questions. Get a general overview of the entire test so you can use your time wisely


  •  Do not get stuck on one particular item


  •  Use all your time and review your answers


  •  In true-false tests, be suspicious of broad statements containing key words ALWAYS or NEVER and make sure you read the statement carefully