Time Management Tool 1

Name:                                                                                                                        Date:


Instructions: Estimate the number of hours you spend completing each activity each week. Then, add up your total hours. If you are under 168 hours, you have some flexibility in your schedule. If your hours are over 168, you have more activities scheduled than you have time.

Total number of hours available each week


Minus hours in class each week


Minus hours of study time per week


Minus hours of sleep time/personal hygiene each week


Minus hours of committed time per week (e.g. job, church, clubs, meetings)


Minus hours of meal time per week (include coffee stops)


Minus hours of exercise per week


Minus hours of family time per week


Minus hours of laundry, shopping, personal errands per week


Minus hours of television (Netflix, Hulu, etc,) per week


Minus hours of Facebook, Instagram, video games, etc.


Minus hours of other recreation per week (movies, parties, etc,)


Minus other (miscellaneous)


Final Balance + or -


Adapted from the Oregon State Universitys Academic Success Center, 2013      Prepared by Jill M. Weber, PhD